Status of Samskritam in Chennai: Stop Wailing and Start Hailing

Today an article has appeared in the New Indian Express about the status of Samskrita in chennai - - titled -"Sanskrit fights to find its feet" by By Dia Rekhi.
Following is my response to the article as a Samskritist in the city of Chennai. Though the article seems to have a good intention of supporting Samskrita- it unfortunately paints only a lop sided gloomy picture. Lack of research is evident as also immaturity.

There is a mismatch in topic and the content. The problem presented in the article is - there is lack of quality Sanskrit teachers in schools. One Vaibhav - a student quoted in the article and one school that does not have a teacher do not portray the reality. Specific school related problem has been blown out of proportion as a crisis for the language in the city.

Samskritam does not survive in schools and colleges alone. in chennai. One has to look at the community - There is tremendous response to Samskrita Bharati Classes in Chennai. Samskrita Bharati is an organization that is working with the community to impart Samskritam in an easy and effective way for the past three decades in the city. It is a global volunteer driven organization having its roots in Karnataka.

In chennai Ramakrisha Mutt alone, where Samskrita Bharati has joined hands with RK Mutt, more than 2000 students - young and old, men and women have completed two levels of basics of Sanskrit in the past five years in the evening classes. This is the story of just one center in Chennai. Imagine the number across the city and the state. There are ten divisions of Samskrita Bharati from Tambaram to Annangar where volunteers and involved in taking Samskritam to the citizens. This is the real picture.

Moreover Samskrita Bharati through its Adhyapaka Shilpashala - workshop for school teachers - Dakshta vargas and Naipunya vargas - skill enhancement programs for teachers and also the yearly prashikshana shibhiras - Annual Summer Samskrita teachers training camps in the month of May - has been working in the field of adding value to the skills of Samskrita teachers in the city and also across the state of Tamilnadu.
So, my friendly advice to the good intention-ed writer is - Shedding tears for  Samskritam may not be necessary. One has to hail the increase in interest for Samskrita learning in the community in the media and spread the message of positivity about Samskritam adding to the momentum.

PS: Academic institutions involved in teaching Samskritam in the city should revise the PG Samskrita syllabus to include interactive teaching and learning of Samskritam.


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