
Showing posts from December, 2019

Various names of Teachers in Sanskrit - Are these definitions in accordance to Sanskrit sources? - A clarification

I ntroduction  We see a whatsapp message doing rounds presenting various 'definitions of teachers' in Sanskrit - authored by one Suresh Jindal.  I was asked by one my friends whether these are correct and can be circulated. I replied in detail to my friend. i present that reply in this post. The six terms that were mentioned in that whatsapp forward were - Upadhyaya and Adhyapka,Acharya, Pandita - Dhrishta <?> and Guru     Part 1  Let us take up the first two words that are connected with each other - Upadhyaya and Adhyapka . The views in the message being circulated can be seen as image below. Now, What does Sanskrit sources say - अध्यापकः - Adhyapaka - is considered a synonym of उपाध्याय - Upadhyaya in Amarakosha उपाध्यायोऽध्यापकोऽथ - Regarding the meaning of उपाध्याय - Upadhyaya - manusmriti states that - Upadhyaya is the one who uses teaching for a livelihood उपाध्याय - योऽध्यापयति वृत्त्यर्थमुपाध...