Shastra-vakyartha - Traditional Epistemological evaluation – Its need in the field of Yoga - A Note
The above is the video of a Traditional Shastric discussion on the definition of Yoga - Citta-vritti-nirodha by Vidvan Dr.Maheshvaran, Faculty, Samskrita College - Chennai. This program happened in Kashi 12-14 July. The soundness of the definition of Citta-vritti-nirodha has been evaluated by Sri Maheshvaran using tools of Epistemology, with intellectual rigor in this Video. The other scholars around him were are involved in this churning in a very objective and critical manner. My observations after keenly listening to the video are recorded below. Yoga is a global subject. Yoga is being subjected to Empirical research models to measure its efficacy. How to examine Yoga in the traditional Shastric intellectual frame work? This video is a classical example. This has not been done for a long time. This has to become main stream in the field of Yoga. Why? What kind of Yoga is being subjected to empirical evaluation? The Yogic wisdom from textual sour...